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Making Sense of Filter Ratings

One of the easiest ways to improve your indoor air quality is by installing quality air filters in your HVAC system. Of course, all it takes is a stroll through the aisle of a big box store or scrolling through screen after screen of an online store to get completely confused.

nHere’s a quick and easy guide to air filter ratings so you can make smart choices for your home or business.

nMERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. Ranging from 1-20, MERV is all about how effectively a filter can grab particles from the air so your family or employees don’t breathe them. Go with the highest MERV number you can find.

MPR Simplifies Matters
nMPR stands for Micro Particle Performance Rating and is the system 3M created. Filters from Filtrete are rated using this system instead, and it’s a little easier to work with. Simply choose between good, better, and best (300, 600, and 1,000). Again, a higher number is better.

FPR from the Home Depot
nFPR stands for Filter Performance Rating. It’s a system created by the Home Depot to rank the filters they sell in their stores – including Honeywell filters. Their system uses a combination of numbers and colors and is similar to the MERV rating. Again, a higher number is better.

nIt’s important to use the highest quality air filters you can afford in your HVAC system – both in residential and commercial settings. Effective air filtration is the first step in improving indoor air quality and it also helps to keep your heating and cooling costs down while protecting your equipment at the same time.

nIf you suspect you have an indoor air quality problem, the smart move would be to call the pros at Brummitt for an evaluation. We can assess your air quality and make recommendations for improvements that fit within your budget.