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AC Maintenance is a Springtime Must

Spring is here in Henderson, SC, and with it comes the cooling season. As summer approaches, your air conditioner is going to work harder and harder every day to keep you comfortable at home, and that means there will be plenty of wear and tear on the unit. A little maintenance goes a long way toward keeping your air conditioner in good working order all summer long.

Home Maintenance Tips

A dirty air filter is the single most common cause of air conditioning problems, and it’s a very simple issue to fix. You’ll need to either clean or change your air filters every one to three months, depending on the type of filter. If your air conditioner has a reusable filter, wash it carefully with water and give it time to naturally dry before putting it back in. If you use disposable filters, make sure you buy your replacements from a local factory authorized dealer instead of getting generic models from your hardware store. Never let your air conditioner run while the filter is out.

nThe beginning of the cooling season is a great time to do a routine maintenance check. Look at the wires going into the unit and make sure they aren’t rusty, corroded or loose. Check the refrigerant gauge and confirm that it’s still in the recommended range. Those simple steps will help you identify any emerging problems and either repair them yourself or call for professional help.

nAC maintenance also includes taking care of the systems that support your air conditioner. Ceiling fans, for instance, can make air conditioning much more efficient by recirculating the hot air that rises to the top of the room, so make sure yours are running well. Clear any shrubbery or debris that might be blocking the outdoor unit, and set your thermostat as high as you can comfortably stand to take some of the strain off your air conditioner.

Maintenance Agreements

To really make the most of your home cooling systems, you’ll need to invest in professional AC maintenance. At the beginning of the summer, we’ll come in and check your air conditioner for any small, emerging issues that could turn into larger problems down the road, preventing future AC repairs and replacement. Moreover, we’ll make small calibration adjustments that will help your air conditioner run at peak efficiency. In short, we’ll save you money now on your utility bills and save you even more by heading off repairs and extending the lifespan of your unit.

nAt Mike Brummitt Heating & Cooling, we’ve been serving the Henderson area for over 20 years, and we specialize in helping our friends and neighbors keep their air conditioners in good working order. Our technicians hold NATE certification, making them fully qualified to repair and maintain all makes and models of air conditioners and heat pumps. Give us a call to find out how we can help you get through the summer comfortably and save money in the process.