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Hot Air on Some Cool Info

Infinity® 15 Packaged Air Conditioner System

The Infinity® packaged air conditioner, with its variable speed motor, is engineered to be our best, with an efficiency rating of up to 15.5 SEER. And it’s backed by the intelligence of the Infinity control to take your home comfort to the next level.

Infinity® 15 Packaged Gas Furnace/Air Conditioner System

This Infinity® system represents forward-thinking, comfort technology. It quietly cools and heats your home, automatically keeping temperatures and summer humidity levels in check. In heating months, its two-stage gas valve and variable-speed blower provide warm comfort at lower speeds in longer run cycles for temperature consistency and energy efficiency.

Comfort™ 13 Packaged Heat Pump System – ZHB

This Comfort™ series packaged heat pump is especially great for narrow lot and manufactured home applications. It features an Envirotuff™ rust-proof base with integrated drain and is compatible with air purifiers, humidifiers, and ventilators.