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Hot Air on Some Cool Info

Just Say No to Indoor Air Pollution

You may be frustrated by the excessive levels of dust and pet dander in your home. You may not realize that this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to indoor air quality. Your home’s air supply can also be tainted by gases emitted during cooking or released from common supplies like […]

AC Maintenance is a Springtime Must

Spring is here in Henderson, SC, and with it comes the cooling season. As summer approaches, your air conditioner is going to work harder and harder every day to keep you comfortable at home, and that means there will be plenty of wear and tear on the unit. A little maintenance goes a long way […]

3 Reasons Why an Energy Audit is a Good Thing

Savvy homeowners in Oxford, NC, are always on the lookout for ways to lower their utility bills while still enjoying a comfortable environment. While energy-wasters like drafty windows and inadequate attic insulation are fairly easy to identify, other sources of energy loss aren’t as readily apparent to the naked eye. In a professional home energy […]