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Ways Improving Indoor Air Quality Improves Your Health

indoor air

When you try to come up with ways of getting healthier, improving indoor air quality probably doesn’t rank at the top of the list. However, given the amount of time you spend in your house, it makes sense that the air inside would have an impact on your health. The number of adverse effects poor indoor air leads to is surprising, particularly when you consider that we rarely pay much attention to it. 

Improving Interior Air Quality Reduces a Long List of Symptoms

Indoor air pollution can produce short-term symptoms as well as long-term, more serious effects. Some interior pollutants can intensify the symptoms produced by other toxins. There is a link between serious illnesses and extended periods of exposure to indoor air pollution. Common symptoms of poor indoor air quality include:

n●Watery eyes
n●Nose bleeds
n●Increased symptoms of asthma
n●Difficulty breathing

How Do I Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

Irritants like mold and dust mites thrive in moist environments. Keeping your humidity under control will also keep them under control, along with other pollutants. Using a dehumidifier can cut down on the amount of moisture in your indoor air. In the summer, an air conditioner can also help keep humidity and pollen numbers down.

nBeyond that, enlisting the help of a reputable HVAC company can go a long way toward reducing your home’s indoor air pollution. For more information about improving indoor air quality, or for an evaluation of your system, get in touch with our friendly team of experts at Brummitt Heating & Cooling. We can help you keep your home safe from indoor pollutants.